The Water Loft News:

Discover the Cause of Disease, Cancer and Divorce
Written By: Keith Morey/Vision Magazine July 2008



I would like to take you on a journey to good health.   I had a radio show for two years called Journey to Good Health and during that time we featured over 200 guest speakers, all of whom were instrumental in guiding me on that journey.


What I began to realize was that in most cases doctors were addressing the symptoms but not the causes of disease.   They were merely prescribing pills, medications and antibiotics and not looking at the systematic breakdowns that were occurring in their patients.


Good health, high energy and healthy weight are easily attainable once you understand the basics.


The common denominator in most health disorders is a systemic fungal infection.   Different kinds of fungal infections interact, causing a disruption and a domino effect, becoming the number one cause of all disease, all cancer and most divorce (yes, divorce).


The fungal process is ignited when you take your first wide spectrum antibiotic.   Antibiotic use disrupts normal digestion.   This causes an overgrowth in fungus in the digestive tract, which kills off good digestive bacteria, such as flora, leaving the intestinal walls exposed, which then allow fungus to eat its way through the intestinal lining and get into the bloodstream.   This disrupts the immune system,, which contributes to autoimmune problems.   This autoimmune problem can manifest itself in the form of allergies and a mal-absorption of nutrients.


How Does The Fungus Affect Your Body?


At this point, the fungi proliferate through out the whole system and the body experiences a craving for carbohydrates.   The brain is a carbohydrate fiend.    It utilizes 50 to 80 percent of all the carbohydrates we ingest; but these carbohydrates are what the fungus loves to feed off of most.   When the brain starts to crave carbohydrates, your insulin spikes, and you end up storing those carbohydrates as well as the fats and proteins that went along with them.    This can lead to unwanted weight gain.


As for the brain, the fungus secretes a substance similar to ethanol, which over powers the immune system, entering the brain and disrupting neurotransmission for short term memory loss.


Since fungus loves trace minerals we become mineral deficient as well.   Trace minerals are necessary for healthy nerve function, muscle tone, energy production and keeping your body in an alkaline state.    The minerals bind to amino acids and make new chemicals that the body utilizes in order to function properly.   When the minerals bind to amino acids, it changes them from acid form into alkaline or neutral form.    The fungus affects the bodies’ alkaline nature by eating the trace minerals in the blood stream, which begins the process of the body going acidic.   (The vast majority of people that have cancer are acidic.)


To stay alkaline, the body has to resort to using calcium bicarbonate.    The problem with calcium bicarbonate is that it requires calcium and there is typically very little calcium from the blood stream from which to draw.   Our bodies then leech calcium from our bones, causing what we call osteoporosis, which is an epidemic in our society.   Another problem with calcium bicarbonate is that it’s inherently a weak chemical bond.

It falls apart in the muscles and synovial fluids, forming free floating calcium.    This free floating calcium is like a piece of glass.    It goes through the muscle tissue and synovial fluid, damaging cell structure and causing mutation in the cells, which we call aging.


Eventually this free floating calcium can damage the DNA, mutating the cell into cancer form.   This free floating calcium also gets into the joints, grinds down the cartilage, and causes arthritis.   It binds with fat, forming plaque on your artery wall.   It also comes through the kidneys damaging them in effect.


The last ditch effort of the body to become alkaline is to use ammonia to offset the acidity; but the body also knows that ammonia can kill it at a much slower pace than acidity can.   That is why if you go to a cancer ward, it wreaks of ammonia, which is actually coming out of the patient’s skin and breathe.


Let’s Talk About the Gallbladder 


Gallbladder removal is the third most common operation in the US.   The gallbladder stores bile.   This bile acid is excreted during heavy meals in order for us to digest fats.

The gallbladder gets clogged up with fungus and the bile starts to back up into the liver, thus damaging the primary chemical factory of our body.   Bile bleeds down into the pancreas, causing it to excrete insulin.   Too much insulin in the blood leads to hypoglycemia, which in turn makes your body store glucose, fats and proteins that you don’t really need.


What is even more important is this fact; when a cancer cell is growing within the body, it has a protective coating around it that makes it invisible to the human immune system.   It is also impossible for the body to recognize it as a cancer cell.   Pancreatic enzymes break down this protective coating around the cell allowing the immune system to recognize it as a cancerous cell and go after it to destroy it.   Eventually, bile acids damage the pancreas, which inhibit it from not only from providing this protective coating but also from providing insulin causing the body to slowly turn diabetic.    The result is a damaged liver and pancreas.    This curtails your body’s ability to produce hormones, resulting in your being moody, sick more often, depressed, and lacking sex drive.  


Do you wish you could feel your best every day?    How about having limitless energy?   Don’t you wish you could function clearly all the time?   Look around at the people who surround you.   Wouldn’t it be great if every on could be truly happy?   We live in a toxic world where it’s not always easy to stay stress free, keep high energy, or function at our highest potential.   In LA count alone 70% of all marriages end in divorce.   We need to ask” why?”   Do you think that if we had healthier bodies, more energy, or stronger sex drives, that there might be fewer divorces and diseases?


If your immune system is compromised, your moody all the time, your feeling depressed and you have no sex drive how long does the marriage last?   In addressing fungal infections, we discover the source of our ailments and move toward living a happier and healthier life. 



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